The Return of the Troopy

The Return of the Troopy
Melville leaving customs and the port

Friday, October 24, 2008

There is no way around we have to go to the doctor - Aaarrgh!

Ok, I 've made the appointment for our first shots. We need loads of vaccinations against all kind of mean things lurking around Russia & Mongolia, including hepatitis, encephalitis, measles, meninigitis, rabies, typhoid, diphterie, tuberculosis (too name the VIPs)... Air-borne, water-borne, tick-borne - you name it ;o) I just very much hope the vaccinations don't entail the use of gigantic syringes. Unfortunately most of them have to repeated at least once, so medical mayhem is approaching. 
Next thing is getting finally those Russian lessons going - I'm on the job!

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